适用范围: 适用于对环境状况要求严格的、好的装饰效果的以及可能有化学介质浸蚀的场所。特别适用于医药、卫生、 食品工业,医院和其它医疗设施,实验室、洁净室、展览馆等。 APPLICATION Applying for areas where strict environment condition,good aesthetic appearance and potential chemical spillage is essential. Especially for medicine, hygiene, food, hospital and lab.
性能特点: 1.选用优质的液体环氧树脂、高级活性稀释剂和改性脂环胺类固化剂作为成膜物质,采用进口通用浆配色;填充细料选用高纯度刚玉粉,耐磨性能佳,搞刮伤性能好;填充骨料选用高精度石英砂、金刚砂、刚玉砂骨科, 颗粒均匀,机械强度高; 2.产品为A组分(色漆)、B组分(固化剂)、C组分(骨料)三组分包装,现场配合,施工方便; 3.整个系统无溶剂化,大面积无缝施工,一层施工厚度从2-5mm均可,施工时间大大缩短;现场砂浆层和自流平层一次成型,改多层施工到一次施工,系统强度高; 4.抗冲击性好,具有较好的化学品抵抗性,也可具有较好的耐紫外线性能(表面可罩一层脂纺族聚氨酯清漆); 5.系统表面根据需要可做成光滑或防滑效果,丝光或哑光均可; 6.系统使用寿命长,面漆可定期维护,不容易起泡。 FEATURE 1.Selecting excellent liquid epoxy resin,active diluents and modifide cycloaliphatic poly amines as flim-maker materials,colorants; 2.Three compinent,100% solide,self-leveling,epoxy based aggregate-filled trowel finished flooring system,quick and easy application. 3.whole system is solvent-free and seamless 4.Good resistance to impact,excellent resistance to a broad rnge of chemical spillages,good uv light resistance; |
5.Very smooth gloss or matt finish,fine texture or smooth surface depending on seal coats; 6.The service life in longer,painting the top paint timely,unlikely to osmosis.
使用年限 8年以上。 SERVICE LIFE over 8 years.
施工工艺 1.基面处理 2.涂刷封闭底漆 3.修补地面的洞眼和裂缝 4.无溶剂环氧砂浆自流平地坪涂料施工. PROCESSING 1.Treating surface; 2.Brushing sealer; 3.Repairing hole and crack; 4.Appling solvent-free epoxy xcreed floor coating. | | |