适用范围: 要求加强抗拉力的水泥地面或防强酸、强碱化学溶剂腐蚀的地面及排水沟,碱水池的面层或环氧砂浆面层,块材面层与地面和隔离层。
APPLICATION Suitible for chemical tanks,cesspool foodstuff factory,refrigeratory room,etc.
性能特点: 1.防腐蚀性能好; 2.增加基本的强度与弹性模量; 3.提高热变型温度和低温冲击强度.
FEATURE 1.Superior chemical resistance; 2.Reinforcing strength and elastic modulus; 3.Improved heat distortion temperature and low; temperature impact strength.
使用年限: 10年以上 SERVICE LIFE Over 10 years in general |
施工工艺: 1.基面处理; 2.涂刷封闭底漆; 3.铺衬玻纤布,将调好的环氧树脂和固化剂倒于纤布上刮平 4.涂刷环氧树脂胶料,确保表面平整光洁。 PROCESSING 1.Treating surface 2.Brushing sealer 3.Laying fiber glass laminates,then scraping epoxy resin 4.Brushing epoxy resin,level-ing the surface. | | |